Saturday 3 September 2016

benefits of wearing natural you must know

There is, of course, nothing wrong with makeup; it’s a great way of expressing yourself, but sometimes, it can be good to wear less and let your natural beauty take centre stage with more natural looking makeup.
Less makeup not only means less time but there are some other important practical benefits too, so here are our top ten benefits of opting for the natural makeup look sometimes.
Less touching up during the day: The first big benefit of wearing natural looking makeup is that you don’t have to worry all day long about how it looks. There will be less trying to find a mirror, less fixing smears and smudges, and fewer interruptions to what you are doing, in order to do a quick makeup fix.
It feels lighter on warm days: Going for a more natural makeup look, will mean that your face will feel fresher and lighter. You won’t be worrying about your makeup streaking in the heat and you will be able to feel the fresh breeze on your face too.

It will save you money: Quite obviously, the less makeup you use, the less money you will spend. When you go for the natural look more often, you can save your money for really expensive makeup on those special nights out
Better skin: Your skin needs to breathe; using heavy amounts of makeup on your skin can cause more irritation in your pores, which causes inflammation from bacteria. By keeping the make-up light, you allow your skin to breathe more easily and rest from chemicals. You’ll find that, as you use less makeup, you will need less, because your skin will start to look clearer and fresher.
The mornings will be less rushed: Just imagine how much time you would save in the mornings, if you weren’t applying all that heavy makeup. If you keep things simple and natural looking, you have far more time for other things in the mornings, or even an extra ten minutes in bed.

Less hassle at night: Your nighttime routine is greatly simplified too when you wear natural looking makeup. It’s easy to clean off the skin in just a few seconds, so you will never be tempted to go to bed with your makeup still on again.
It will give you more confidence: When you go out with less makeup on, you realise that people are not admiring your skills as a makeup artist, they are admiring the real you. It can be a big boost to the self-confidence, when you let the world see you and you find out that the world likes what they see.
You will feel like you can be yourself: Heavy makeup can make you feel like you are wearing a mask and not exposing the real person who is behind it. Wearing natural looking makeup can inspire you to express the true you in other ways, like your clothes and how you behave. If you’ve never tried natural looking makeup, then give it a try. It can actually be quite a liberating experience.

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