Sunday 30 October 2016

Miracle baby, given birth to after 8years the mother took in..

stumbled on hhis photo which was shared by our own songtress @junnyladiva on her instagram page  sometime ago with the caption below
"Welcome to the world dearest child,a miracle speechless on the mercy and faithfulness of God.who says God doesn't answer prayers,well this is one of those answers and work of God.This king,this son,this sweet nephew of mine is born today after 8 years in the womb!!!.mothers who carry a child for 9 month,knows how it is not to talk of this mother who have carried hers for 8years.i celebrate you Mrs MaryAnn igbondu,you are a strong woman,you are a typical example of joy knows no bound for you and am happy God remembered you finally. What greater testimony could they be this year for me.....I thank you jesus for this bundle of joy. #Bestsundaygift #Happymoment #GodisGod #GOE #glory" 

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