Sunday 28 August 2016

Donald Trump vows to start deportation once he wins and is inaugrated

Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, has linked illegal immigration and employment, pledging to start deporting offenders as soon as he is sworn in, should he become the White House's next occupant. . . While in Des Moines, Iowa, he said: "On day one, I am going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country — including removing the hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal immigrants that have been released into US communities under the Obama-Clinton administration. . . Every time an African-American citizen, or any citizen, loses their job to an illegal immigrant, the rights of that American citizen have been totally violated. I am going to build a great border wall, institute nationwide e-verify, stop illegal immigrants from accessing welfare and entitlements. . . I'll develop an exit-entry tracking system to ensure those who overstay their visas are quickly removed. If we don't enforce visa expiration dates, then we have an open border. A vote for Trump is a vote to have a nation of laws, a vote for Clinton is a vote for open borders.".... which will turn U.S into another Nigeria

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