Tuesday 2 August 2016

Man chops off wife hand for failing to get pregnant...this pure inhuman

"Man Chops Off Wife's Hands for Failing to Get Pregnant . . A 27-year old woman in Masii, Machakos County, is nursing serious injuries after the husband chopped off her hands for failure to conceive a baby, seven years into their marriage. Narrating the ordeal on Sunday, Ms Jackline Mwende said that her husband, Mr Stephen Ngila, attacked her on July 24 and cut off her hands as well as injured her on the head. According to Ms Mwende, they had separated with Mr Ngila for three months and on the fateful day, her estranged husband showed up at her house and started attacking her with a panga. “He moved out of our house three months ago and came back on Sunday (July 24) at around 8.30pm. When I opened the door, he said ‘today is your last day’ and started slashing me with the panga,” Ms Mwende was quoted by the Nation. After screaming for help, the husband fled the scene before the neighbours arrived and rushed her to Machakos Level 5 Hospital where she was treated and discharged on Friday. She now lives with her parents. Ms Mwende expressed that she was surprised by the turn of events since, in 2015, they visited a hospital and doctors confirmed that her husband was impotent, but assured the condition could be rectified. The man was arrested on July 25 and is now in police custody for the heinous crime he committed. The parents are pleading for help from well-wishers since buying medication and taking care of Ms Mwende is becoming very expensive for them. 

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